TIHAR EXPERIENCE As a dashain I celebrate five days long tihar with joy and happiness. the first day of tihar(kag tihar) and second day of tihar(kukur tihar) was not more interested than the third, fourth and fifth day of tihar. on the third day(laxmi puja) we cleaned and decorate house beautifully with light and diyas and made all the preparation for the laxmi puja. At night we made rongoli and did laxmi puja. It was so much fun. the groups of bhaili makes more enjoyable and I slept late that night. the fourth day of tihar (goru puja)we did not do anything. finally the fifth day of tihar came which was the most special day for us. on the fifth day we all family gather at my home and we celebrate tihar happily. I was so glad to put tika and garland to my lovely brother. it was wonderful and more happiest tihar. Here are some tihar related picture: