Cyber Crime

Our school provides platform for extra education for the students which helps to widened our knowledge. On the date of Baishak 31,2076 (Thursday). Our school gave us chance of grade 10 students to take the class of one of the policeman about the community police force, which was awareness related education and the topic was 'Cyber Crime'.

We gain the important information about cyber crime and its effects.In the present context, due to highly importance and need of science and technology cyber crime is increasing day by day. Cyber  crime is one of the criminal act which have reveal the secrets of many people, Many people are suffering from depression and frustration day by day and the suicide case is also increasing because of the cyber crime. Human trafficking, and blackmailing are also increasing which hurt people emotionally and let down. So to be free from this kind of frustrated issues community police class was given to us. Except this we had provided the information  about the drugs,rape case which was very knowledgeable  for the teenagers like us.We were given the education about how to be aware from trouble and how to be aware from unknown person. we were given the lesson about the privacy and the law of the country.

The community police class was very inspirational and I'm impressed with this program organized by community police force. We were shown the video related to cyber crime and privacy and the example given by indicating the real incident of some of the people about cyber crime and human trafficking  really touched my heart.The policeman(who gave the education) have said that we will be visiting the community police area known as 'Police Sanga Ek Din'.

In conclusion, We learned a lot about our own secureness and this type of program should be conduct every where to aware from all of this problem. It was benefical program and I'm grateful to all community police force and towards our teachers for providing us this kind of platform to gain the various knowledge. 



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