My experience in jagat mandir school

We all human beings are born to have a successful life. This aim keeps us to do hardwork and determination in life. In this regard education comes first. Because it is the key of successful life. To have this education and got enlightenment we all kids are joining to school giving first priority in life.

 From 2 yrs of age I started to went school. I was born to a village area of panchthar districts and there I read up to upto 8 class. After that I came to Kathmandu for my further education and joined at class 8 to jagat mandir school. It was difficult for me at first but suddenly I feel better in this environment because of my good teachers and friends who helped me and motivated to read hard and to do better. Today I have quite improved my studies than previous due to the contribution of my teachers and education system of this school.

I found teaching and learning process is very good than my previous school. And the facilities provided by school is much more better with the conduction of various extra curricular activities and educational tour. After joining in this school From grade 8, I have able to collects a lot of happy memories in every moments. My most memorable events with my friends and teachers is of class 9 tour. We entertained 5 days in tour making a lot memory of different places. Another  most memorable events is class 10 picnic in tokha with our teachers and friends.

Today my heart fills with pleasure as I was lucky to join In this school and have education from good teachers. And read in friendly environment with good friends. I am happy as I was able to make good memories from grade 8 to till this last moments of our school. As I remember, at grade 8 Vijay sir was our class teacher and khem sir was our class teacher in class 9 and  today we have Deepak sir as our class teacher in grade 10. All our class teacher as well as other teachers are really great "gurus" for me as they gives us knowledge without selfish and always works to make us enlightened.

 In overall I had a good experienced and memory in jagat mandir school. We class 10 students are in the almost last moments in jagat mandir school. It hurt me sometimes as I have to leave this school after 30 days but somehow gives me happiness as I  am going to leave with good memories of teachers and friends.For your contribution I thanks to my all JM teachers and for your help and cooperation I thanks to my all friends.     "Thank you" 


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