My Experience of The Drama

On Baishak  26,2076 BS Thrusday, Our school took us to show drama in Batisputali . Grade 8,9 and 10 students were lucky to go there and see the beautiful drama. We all were really excited at that day. The drama was amazing . I found more in drama than my expectation.

'Aadhi Ko Manoram Nitrya' was the name of drama and it was written by Yubraj Ghimere. The drama was inspirational for all those adolescents like us . The fact and features of adolescent's feelings and behaviours was sketch on drama. And also the latest (old) thinking of mother towards the child was shown.The curiosity of adolescents towards negative and the changed behaviour after the relationship with bad friends were the inspirational story of that drama . The characters of that drama was wonderful . The poem of parijat( Ma sadak bholdai xu) was sang in the opening of the drama. Expect that the life story of sunduk ruihit and jai bhudi was shown in the drama which made us proud.  I was motivated so much from that drama. I enjoyed seeing drama and i was unknown about how fast the time has gone. The ending of the drama really touched my heart and i got a positive lesson to control myself from negative feeling and motivated towards positive thought and works to make my future shiny.

 In overall drama was wonderful and inspirational and taught to be responsible for both children and guardians towards the fulfillment of good responsibilities.


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